This one will be shorter; not quite an essay, not quite a fourth grade paper. But one thing that I don't understand is when people don't get involved in politics. It doesn't perturb me as much as when someone texts when they're having a conversation with you, but it does bug me on the level of our duty in life. No one, not one, is immune from the political system. When I hear people not give a rip about politics it sends a message that either they don't care about it, or they lost confidence of those in office. Either way, it's still going to effect you and those around you. We all have the means to do something. Even if you're not familiar with both parties, study up on them. We have numerous resources to do so. On the flip side of that, don't just listen to what one camp says and take that for gospel truth. Use your mind and understand how policies, ideologies, etc. effect your life.
Inaction is action unto itself. I said it. I've been trying to get that off my tongue for a long time. Inaction, in my opinion, leads to dissent and downfall. I don't care what side of the line you're on. Get involved and see for yourself. You will do this country more good by being active than you will if you sit at your home and don't care.
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