Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blogging about Blogging

There has been much debate about what blogging really is.  Is blogging an article, or blogging more of a diary? Is it a mix of both?  If people do it, should they not know what it is to properly represent it? Perhaps I'm over thinking this like I do for just about nothing.

It's interesting if one thinks about it.  Or maybe not.  Blogging, no matter which way you slice it or dice it, serves one purpose: information. That's a cop out answer from me, but in reality that's what it is. Any form of literature is informative.  So, why label it specifically a blog?  It's short for weblog, but that's a diary-ish-thing. 

I have no idea what I'm saying only to say I'm freaking tired.  I made my mark and made something out of absolutely nothing.  Good night. Tomorrow will be a different day.

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