Friday, August 20, 2010

One More Go

You would think that if you're on the downhill of your vacation that you'd have at least a time to wind down and relax, but not so fast!  One more hike we'll go on, and it will be an easy one.  Easy one, at least to the book. It's not a 17-mile round trip festival of mazes and hypothermia; rather it's a brisk 1.2 mile trip one way. You still have to go one way on hills and rocks, which is murder on the feet.  I think I'm ready. My flight from Denver leaves at 5:00 Denver time and I'll arrive at 7:30 OKC time, which gives us some time to make another hike but after a week of pain and swollen feet, I don't really want to do it.  However, I've decided to make a conscious decision to traverse one more mountain and get myself back in shape.  What will this mean for me after I'm done will be the question.  I'm already tired, beat up, my feet are the size of balloons--but I did have a cigar.

Anyway you look at it, I'm ready to do it physically.  My vacation has been nothing short of fun (and kind of scary) but I'm ready to be at home, believe it or not.

Tomorrow's blog will be late, as these last few have been.  I have a topic already, but it will take me all day tomorrow to flesh it out.  You'll just to have to see what it is.

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