A friend and I talked about language, and discussed how it's morphed over the last few years. One of the topics touched on was the use of Internet speak. When is it acceptable and when does it become a hindrance on someone's learning? The problem I see, as a person with an English degree, is that the Internet lingo is being used all too often. It's being used in papers and in casual conversation. That's not so much the problem as it is when it's perfectly acceptable in public debate, conversation, discussion, etc...
Sadly, I feel that it will be used so much to the point, linguists will have no choice but to accept it--which leads to another point: can we go back to conversation without this lingo? Probably not, I say. It's taken on a life of its own, but unfortunately I'm not doing this blog post any justice because I'm pooped. I'm going to expand on this idea in depth probably this weekend. Believe me, it will be more profound.
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