I've only been thinking about it, not really going on one, though I wish I could. I'm 29-years old and I'm thinking I want to go on a road trip that allows me to discover myself and see who I really am. Nah, just kidding about that crap, but really, I do want to go on a road trip. It would be fun and see something I haven't seen, all the while being on a trip with my close friends. From Oklahoma City, does anyone have any suggestions for a three-day road trip?
I wouldn't want to go on a road trip like it's portrayed in movies and shows where drugs and women are a norm, and one mishap after leading to the backwoods where one encounters hillbillies that are cannibalistic. I want to go on a road trip for the experience and the fun of it. Though I'm married something like this wouldn't affect the marriage.
So, now that's off my chest, who's with me?
Come visit us up in Iowa! It's only a 9 hour drive up :)